RErescue Member Spotlight Amrit Shergill Real Estate Agent | Rescue Pet Hero Through the years we have come across people who are selfless and are truly an inspiration. Amrit Sherfill is one of our amazing RErescue Members and is someone who stands out from the rest! We wanted to showcase how incredible she is in the pet rescue world. Please read on as we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi Amrit, thank you for being a RErescue Member and for joining us today. Maybe we should start with what motivated you to want to join RErescue? RErescue is a great group to be involved with. I still see people out there buying from breeders and even worse puppy mills when millions of dogs and cats are being euthanized in this country. In the developing countries the cruelty is even worse and in Asian countries they eat about 60 million dogs and cats and kill them in horrific ways such as boiling them alive and blow torching them. It’s horrifying and I want to make a difference in helping to save them. How many years have you been a realtor and why do you love real estate? I’ve been a realtor for over 2 years. I love it because it gives me the ability to use my many talents and skills it also gives me tons of freedom. I like to treat people the way I want to be treated and my clients appreciate that about me. I am also a designer and will be flipping my own homes in the near future. Have you fostered a rescue or been involved with helping rescues in the past? I have been helping all animals (not just dogs and cats) for 28 years. I have fostered about 70 cats and dogs possibly more - I lost count! I have volunteered in Tijuana on a few different rescue efforts as well. Have you ever adopted a rescue pet? If yes, please tell us how your rescue pet changed your life in a positive way. Over the last 28 years I have had 12 rescue cats most I rescued myself from the streets and 4 rescue dogs one I rescued off the streets as well. I am an animal lover and they have become my number priority. What motivated you to want to help rescue pets? I have been an animal lover since I was a little girl. I was born this way. I was born being a compassionate soul for animals and want to help save rescue pets. What’s something you have learned about rescue pets since joining RErescue? RErescue makes it easy for me to create new ways to help animals within my real estate business. Why do you continue to support RErescue? Animals will always be my number one priority so I will always support this group. How has joining RErescue changed you? I am highly motivated but it is nice to see what this group is doing and makes it easier for me to either do the same things or create new ways of helping animals as well. What’s your vision for the future as a RErescue member? Open peoples hearts and minds to the needless suffering of dogs and cats and show them ways they can help. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA
"It Pays to Spay" with Spay-4-LA @ Super-A This event was organized by: Luxe Paws Fitzburgh Realty Team Real Estate Agents to the Rescue (RErescue) A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: GPNC, Urban Pet, Candice Uy (Realtor), Ms. Chris Zegar, and Toland Way Elementary after-school program, and Principal Pais (pronounced "pays"). On Saturday, October 24th The Fitzburgh Realty Team in conjunction with other organizations brought out a mobile surgical unit to the Glassell Park Community and offered FREE spay/neuter surgery. A total of 35 kitties and doggies in our NELA community were spayed and neutered COMPLETELY FREE of charge to their owners. IT TOOK A VILLAGE! So many different people, groups, and companies all came together to make this happen is such a great way. That's what this is all about - bringing community together to support each other and make something great happen! Not only was the surgery FREE, but every participant received a $5.00 gift card from Super A Foods, Goodie bags with treats from The Urban Pet, delicious, home-made chocolate chip cookies from Candice Uy (Realtor), beautiful pet beds that she personally crafted by Ms. Chris Zegar, and doggie toys that were hand-made by students in the Toland Way Elementary School after-school program. And last but not least, The Glassell Park Neighborhood Council (GPNC) donated $3,000 to help make this happen! Fitzburgh Realty Team and Real Estate Agents to the Rescue brought all these different elements together so that the valuable service of spay/neuter could be achieved. We also wanted to say: "THANK YOU for doing the right thing by getting your pet fixed" Would you be surprised to know that spay/neuter is one of the best ways to help reduce the burden on shelters? It reduces the number of doggies and kitties that have to be killed because there are not enough resources available to care for all the pets that are born and cannot find homes. Even if you are able to find family and friends who will adopt your pet's pups and kittens, that means that there are now doggies and kitties at the shelter who will not be adopted and instead will be killed. There was much more demand than could be accommodated so stand by for our next IT PAYS TO SPAY event in Northeast Los Angeles! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Inspirational & Funny Rescue Pet Stories SAVING RESCUE PETSWe are a national coalition of real estate agents who are animals lovers. Our mission is to raise awareness that fostering saves the lives of rescue pets and grow the foster volunteer community. Archives
February 2021
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